Physical Rehabilitation

A full assessment (following veterinary diagnosis) allows us to develop an effective and safe rehabilitation plan using multiple modalities including hydrotherapy, laser (PBM) therapy, massage, land based physio exercise therapy and prescribed home exercises.


Hydrotherapy is an aquatic exercise therapy conducted in our specially made canine underwater treadmill. It is suitable for surgery/injury rehabilitation, arthritic or elderly patients, improving strength and fitness, weight management and more.

Laser (PBM) Therapy

We use a Class IV Laser (810nm + 980nm) for Photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy. This has therapeutic benefits to speed up recovery for a range of conditions. With our high power laser we can deliver the target therapeutic dose  in a time effective manner.

Custom fit mobility aids

We stock and fit mobility products to help improve your dog's mobility and quality of life. Book in for fitment of dog wheelchairs in all sizes, hip and back support braces, leg support braces and splints, mobility harnesses, slings, boots and socks.

Training and

Our staff have studied and are qualified in Small Animal Hydrotherapy, Canine Rehabilitation, Canine Myofunctional Therapy and Laser Therapy.

with us 

We will work alongside your vet, to provide tailored solutions and treatment modalities for your dog's current condition.


We are members of the Australian Canine Rehabilitation Association (ACRA) and the Small Animal and Equine Naturopathic Association  (SAENA)


We have an easy to use booking system, allowing you to book online and make changes to your booking quickly and easily at any time of day.

About Us

At Canine Rehab and Hydrotherapy (CRAH)

We have completed specialised training and are qualified and experienced in various treatment modalities which we use to improve your dog's mobility and quality of life. This includes recovery after injury, before and after orthopaedic surgery recovery, loss of function, age related mobility, weight loss and more.
Treatment options include, hydrotherapy, in clinic physio exercises, class IV Laser (PBM) therapy, massage and prescribed home exercises. We also supply and custom fit pet wheelchairs, mobility aids, splints, boots and socks for functional support throughout your dog's rehab journey.

Getting back into top shape will be hard work and requires a lot of commitment from both for you and your dog. With our treatments and guidance plus your dedication we will help your dog improve their function, condition and quality of life.

Learn More about the team

Physical Rehabilitation

A tailored rehabilitation plan according to your dog's condition. Rehabilitation helps your pet recover from injury, illness, or disease. Prior to commencing a rehabilitation plan you must first consult with your veterinarian for any medical concerns and diagnosis of your dog's condition. We will provide a series of treatment options for many different conditions.
Getting back into top shape will be hard work and requires a lot of commitment from both for you and your dog. With dedication and the right home exercise plan and guidance we will help your dog improve their function, condition and quality of life.

Suitable for: After injury, Before surgery, Post-surgery, Spinal/neural conditions, Muscle strains, Loss of function, Weight gain, Age related mobility and more.

Treatment modalities


An aquatic exercise therapy suitable for treatment of many different conditions. The buoyancy it provides alleviates some of the pressures of gravity and allows dogs to exercise safely, freely and effectively whilst in water. The increased viscosity of water, makes it an intensive yet low impact environment to help build muscle and allow joints to move more freely.
Suitable for: Hip dysplasia, Arthritis, Spinal injuries, Elbow dysplasia, Patellar luxation, Muscle atrophy, Weight gain, Age related mobility, Muscle strengthening, and more.

  • Treatment in a specially designed canine underwater treadmill
  • Specialised training with expert knowledge of treatment options
  • Hands on guidance and support ensuring the highest level of effectiveness for the specified condition.
  • Return to function and improve quality of life
  • Heated water to optimal temperature for muscles and movement
  • Adjustable water level, speed, intensity and duration of the treatment.
  • Improved cardiovascular fitness
  • Improved strength and stability
  • Gait retraining
  • Improved range of motion/flexibility
  • Reduce pain and inflammation

PBM (Laser) Therapy

Laser therapy is a common term for Photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy. When an appropriate schedule is followed, it results in faster recovery for:

  • Spinal / Neurological injury
  • Fractures & bone healing
  • Connective tissue injury
  • Soft tissue injury or trauma
  • Skin and wound healing
It works by emitting specific light frequencies into the body’s tissues stimulating inter-cellular activity. This light acts as a signal within the cells, jump starting the cellular processes including healing and cell replication. Read more in our FAQ.
It is important to follow an adequate treatment schedule - usually 3+ sessions per week in the first couple of weeks, and tapering down according to the condition after that. We use a Class 4 (IV) Laser (with 810nm + 980nm wavelengths) which allows us to deliver the target therapeutic dose (even for deep tissues) in a time effective manner.
  • Accelerates tissue repair and cell growth
  • Improved nerve function
  • Faster healing
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Pain relief
  • Non-invasive, drug and pain free

Prescribed home physio

We offer a range services to help your dog spring back to shape sooner and stronger. Best results can be achieved by combining our in house services and following a prescribed home exercise program.
We use an online based exercise program manager to set you up with physio exercises to do from home in between consults. This will guide you to perform safe and controlled exercises with your dog at home.

  • Fully customised
  • Exercises for all conditions
  • Written guidance
  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Tracking of progress

There are excercises available for all types of conditions, from acute care to athlete conditioning and fitness training.
All exercise plans are tailored specifically to your dog's current point in recovery, according to their condition and fitness. As your dog improves, we can update your exercise program until return to full function.

We can also run through the exercises with you and provide hands on guidance as needed to ensure a safe and effective form is achieved.

Mobility aids - custom fit

The best way to ensure your dog has the right size mobility aid for comfort and function is by trying them on before buying. Accordingly, we can provide custom fitment of our mobility products so your dog can get the most out of their new equipment, helping improve their mobility and quality of life. Your dog can try on their mobility aid and be up and moving on the same day. Bookings are essential.

We have sourced and stock a range of quality products to help dogs with many conditions; including spinal conditions, after injury, post surgery, arthritis, age related mobility and more. See our shop for pricing.

Make a booking for a fitment using our booking system and we'll do the rest.

Meet Our People

Our Team


Frequently Asked Questions

Please read before your first appointment...

Hydrotherapy is an aquatic exercise therapy which is suitable to help treat many different conditions. The aquatic environment and the buoyancy it provides allows dogs who may not be able to bare their entire weight on land, to exercise freely and effectively whilst in water. The alleviation of the pressures of gravity combined with walking the body though the increased viscosity (thickness) of water compared to air, makes it an intensive yet safe environment to help maintain and build muscle and allow joints to move more freely. Our hydrotherapy is conducted in our specially designed canine underwater treadmill. This allows us to control the water level, speed, intensity and duration of the treatment. Having undergone specialised advanced training in the use of underwater treadmills we have obtained expert knowledge of treatment options for many differing conditions. Your dog will be guided and monitored throughout the treatment with a direct hands on approach ensuring the highest level of support and effectiveness of the treatment for the specified condition. Hydrotherapy can be used for surgery/injury rehabilitation, arthritic or elderly patients, improving strength and fitness, weight management and more. .

Whilst we do not require a specific written referral from your vet, we ask that you speak to your veterinarian / vet receptionist and ask them to email us their clinical notes, diagnosis and any surgery details including imagery (x‐rays, CT scans, etc.) to
These notes give us an understanding of condition you’re looking to treat with hydrotherapy, health history, details of medications, and of your dog’s current physical condition to ensure there are no contraindications to treatment.
With this information we can develop the safest and most effective treatment plan using therapies which complement their veterinary care to help improve your dog's condition. As we are not veterinarians, we cannot diagnose conditions, perform surgery or prescribe medications. We will however work alongside your veterinarian, to ensure we provide the right treatment for your dog’s condition.

1. Unless it is absolutely necessary, please do not feed your dog for at least 3 hours before a session.

2. Limit the amount of exercise your dog has that day. This will allow them to get the most out of their session and be at their strongest.

3. Bring a towel. We will dry your dog with one of our towels after getting out of the water, but it is always best to bring along an extra towel to get them extra dry and to have for the car trip home.

4. Please ensure your dog has been to the toilet beforehand. If you arrive early please stop in at a local park to toilet your dog. This is of the utmost importance. If your dog has a gastrointestinal issue or diarrhoea we will not be able to see your dog for a hydrotherapy appointment, but we can substitute for a laser therapy or massage session if this is suited to your dog’s condition.

If your dog does a poo in the water it can mean we have to cut your appointment short, and depending on the severity, it may affect other appointments after you.

Our initial consults for hydrotherapy run for up to 1.5 hours. We have decided to set it this way in order to ensure that we have enough time to adequately discuss your dog’s condition, and so your dog has a positive first experience with underwater treadmill hydrotherapy.
It can be a strange experience for a dog to get into a glass tank with someone they just met, only to have water come out of seemingly nowhere, and once settled the ground starts moving beneath their feet.
Accordingly, it is very important that we follow the dog’s comfort level and go its own pace. It is really important that we build a positive association with the underwater treadmill, as the dog will get a lot more out of their treatment when they are relaxed and motivated.

In order to do this, we ask that you bring along your dog’s favourite motivator – this can be a squeaky toy or ball, or a very high value treat (things like peanut butter or BBQ chicken work well) so that we can start your dog off on the right foot, and they quickly make the association that hydrotherapy = treats or ball etc.

Initial consult infographic

Ongoing sessions run for approximately 45 mins from the time you arrive to leaving. This does not mean that your dog will be exercising for 45 mins. Depending on the age and condition of your dog, your dog might walk / swim for approx. 10‐20 mins total of your appointment time. We run our sessions in intervals, with lots of time for breaks in between rounds to rest, stretch and incorporate some massage in the treatment. As your dog’s fitness improves so will the exercise duration.

There may be certain circumstances when treatment might not be suitable for your dog.
In certain conditions conducting treatments may have a negative effect on the dog’s specific condition, overall health or wellbeing. These factors are called contraindications.
There are two types of contraindication which may be present. A general contraindication refers to a circumstance in which treatment cannot be performed at all.
The other type of contraindication is a regional contraindication. This means that the regional area of the dog which is affected should not be treated, but that treatment may take place in other parts of the body.
- If your dog is a bitch in season

- If there are any open wounds or superficial infections.

- In the acute phase of an injury. As hydrotherapy is an exercise therapy it is important that we allow the dog to rest during this phase of recovery.

- If your dog has a gastrointestinal issue or diarrhoea (we will not be able to see your dog for a hydrotherapy appointment, but we can substitute for a laser therapy or massage session if this is suited to your dog’s condition).

- If your dog has respiratory problems or advanced cardiac illness.

- If your dog has received a topical flea/worm treatment in the last 72 hours.

- If your dog is undergoing chemotherapy, we may not be able to see them for the following few days after a dose.

There may be certain circumstances when treatment might not be suitable for your dog.
In certain conditions conducting treatments may have a negative effect on the dog’s specific condition, overall health or wellbeing. These factors are called contraindications.
There are two types of contraindication which may be present. A general contraindication refers to a circumstance in which treatment cannot be performed at all.
The other type of contraindication is a regional contraindication. This means that the regional area of the dog which is affected should not be treated, but that treatment may take place in other parts of the body.
A caution is another condition whereby the dog may require some adjustment in the way the therapy is conducted around a specific the area of concern.

Contraindications may come in many forms and may be related to medication, superficial or skin issues, infection, pain, inflammation, burns, fractures, heart conditions, malignancies, neurological conditions, injury, pregnancy and recent travel.

We are trained in various treatment modalities and as part of this training, we have learnt to identify conditions in which treatment in each field may be detrimental.

Specific contraindications:

Treatments cannot be carried out in acute stage: fractures, inflammation, severe muscle injury, torn ligament, joint swelling.

Conditions where treatments may only be carried out with vet approval: on blood thinning medication, heart conditions, following surgery, spinal conditions, skin conditions, in pain, malignancy (cancer) or infections.

Treatments cannot be undertaken if your dog is pain, pregnant (1st trimester), or immediately following a very long flight or car trip.
As part of our assessment prior to starting therapy we will require your dog's full health history and veterinary records, including imagery (x‐rays, CT scans, etc.), details of medications and any other supporting documents you can provide. This will enable us to develop the safest and most effective treatment plan using therapies which complement their veterinary care to help improve your dog's condition.

We will provide advice on best practice for environment and exercise according to your dog’s condition following treatment, with ongoing support as required.

PBM, what does it mean?
It stands for Photobiomodulation. This is the preferred term to use regarding laser therapy as with it gives us a better indication to the biological function of the laser light.

How does it work?
When we apply laser light at specific frequencies from our machine, the light passes through the skin and body tissues. The target is a protein called Cytochrome C, found within the mitochondria in the cells and is crucial in driving cellular metabolism.

When tissue is damaged, there is less production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in the mitochondria which results in the cellular metabolism being slowed down. When the laser light is absorbed by Cytochrome C it kick starts the elctron transport chain to increase the production of ATP, restoring & increasing cellular metabolism and function.

As well as ATP production, the laser light stimulates the production of other compounds, free nitric oxide (NO) and reactive oxygen species (ROS). NO and ROS are important in cellular signaling pathway mechanisms. NO is also a vasodilator, and ROS affects the inflammatory response. Accordingly, an increase of these compounds results in faster cellular signaling and reduced inflammation.

Overall, PBM therapy helps to restore normal cellular function, increases rate of tissue repair, reduces inflammation and edema (fluid swelling) and helps to prevent further cellular death (apoptosis). If you have any further questions regarding this please dont hesitate to reach out.

Prepaid packages for services are offered at a discounted rate for prepayment and have no expiry.
We don't refund prepaid sessions for change of mind, which includes if you can no longer attend your sessions. The packages are transferable to another person and their dog as required. By Purchasing a prepaid package you agree to, and understand these terms.

Unfortunately we do not offer prepaid packages for use on insurance claims. Each session/service must be paid for separately for insurance claims, as the insurers require separate invoices providing details including treatment date of each session to be claimed.
Thanks for your understanding.